09 March 2006

A Little Slice of Heaven

So, although the Atlanta area has a rather good number of LYSes, I have never been particularly happy with any of them, tho' I'd settled for a big rambling house the next 'burb over. But it did feel like settling. Lots of pretty yarns, but also lots of ugly yarns. Several rooms of fun fur. And not particulary friendly to anyone under the age of menopausal. Weird vibe, in general. But whatever, I bought yarn there and ignored the vibe as best as possible.

Until Monday.

On Sunday night, I played around online looking at pretty yarns, and discovered another option. I went Monday after work and the place quickly became my new most-favorite yarn store ever. This place is awesome. No fun fur in sight. And the staff is incredibly friendly and helpful. And the owner (whom I didn't meet) is a rockin' twentysomething with impeccable Blue-Sky-Alpaca taste. And she was having a sale. So I win.

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