06 December 2012

Banal Post

Seems like it's time for a purse-sock update.  One sock done, one sock still in process--I turned the heel the other night while I was sitting in a master class given by a Tony-winning Broadway performer.  Husband's school offers us some pretty interesting opportunities, like heel-turning while watching an expert change the lives of a bunch of undergrads who think they might want to, like, I dunno, sing or something.

I'm not loving these socks.  The best part is the cast-on.  The rest is just... meh.  I haven't had a ton of opportunity to work on them lately.  Then again, I also haven't made those opportunities.  I've been too busy finishing projects I actually like making.

Sigh.  Back to not liking socks?  Time will tell.

03 December 2012

Is There Such a Thing as Finishitis?

We all know about Startitis.  It’s the desire to start new knitting projects, often several new projects at once.  We all know I’ve suffered from (and succumbed to) Startitis many times in the past.

I think I’ve been going through a bout of Finishitis, and it feels very strange.  It sort of started with the Fireside (or maybe with Husband’s sweater?), and then the Fiddlehead Mittens, but it hit a whole new level last week:

I took the final step for finishing Henry.

Longtime readers will recall that I ran out of yarn for Henry and had to frog the swatch I’d made so I could learn the funky stitch pattern before casting on the four-hundred-some stitches needed to knit the actual scarf.  I frogged the swatch but had to soak the yarn to un-kink it, and that’s where I’d gotten stuck.  “Oh, I’ll get around to it someday” is something of a motto of mine for many things, and I’ve been “meaning to” soak that bit of yarn for what, three years now?

I finally did it.  Soaked, hung to dry, reballed… I’m ready to go.  I think this might actually happen, folks.  Henry will finally be a wearable scarf, instead of tethered to his size-three circulars.  That will be awesome.

I really hope this is the right amount of yarn, because this is all I have.